



Just like WORDLE, your challenge is to guess either the 4-Letter Word, 5-Letter Word or a 6-Letter Word (depending which Letter Game you choose) in six attempts. Each time you guess, you are told which of your chosen letters are in the target (Wizordle), and whether they are in the right place. You will get only six tries to solve/guess the Wizordle 'word'.

The word that needs to be solved in each round is called ... "Wizordle". The Wizordle [word] is what you are trying to guess in six attempts.

When your start ... the game will consist of a 4-wide by 6-long grid (for the 4-Letter Word game), a 5-wide by 6-long grid (for the 5-letter Word game) or a 6-wide by 6-long grid (for the 6-Letter Word game) of empty, white letter boxes. Each box will hold one letter - so you guess at the answer by typing in a 4-Letter, 5-Letter or a 6-Letter word and pressing 'Enter'.

At the start of the game, there aren't any clues up front, so any word (4-Letter, 5-Letter or 6-Letter) will do as in initial guess. This initial guess is referred to as the 'Starter Word' and that is where the game of Wizordle really begins. When you press 'Enter' to submit your word, the color of each letter's box changes.

  • If it turns Violet, that letter is in the Wizordle and you've placed it in the right spot.

  • If it turns Yellow, that letter is in the Wizordle but in the wrong position.

  • If the letter box turns Grey, it simply means the letter isn't in the Wizordle at all.

Other Wizordle Word basics:

  • Every word you guess must be in the Official Scrabble® Word Dictionary. There are more than a total of 20,000 words for all 4-Letter, 5-Letter and 6-Letter Word games combined, however, there are far less words that will be used for the actual Wizordle (solution).

  • Letters can be used more than once.

  • Answers (Wizordle words) will not contain Proper Nouns (e.g., Florida, Scott, Wilma, Oreo, Indian) nor plurals (e.g., bikes, cars, planes) but you can use plural words to help guess the Wizordle. The only exceptions are:
    1) when a word is also defined as a verb (e.g., kisses, gases, foxes).
    2) when a word is defined as a plural noun. (e.g., rabies, sortes, undies).

In the example to the left, you can see how the layout for the 5-Letter Wizordle Word game looks (5-wide by 6-long grid).

The first word STARE contains the T & A which are in the answer word but wrong place so they are both Yellow. The letter E is in the word and in the right spot (position) and so it is the color Violet. The other letters S and R are not in the Wizordle so they are Greyed out.

For the next word TABLE, the letters T, A and E are in the WIzordle and in the correct spot so those letters are colored Violet. B and L are not in the Wizordle they are colored grey. Same goes for the next word; TACHE.

The last word TAUPE, is the correct Wizordle [word], so all letters are Violet.



Single or Multi-Player Modes

After signing onto Wizordle, you will have the option to choose from 3 Player Modes: Single (Solo) Mode, Multiplayer (VS) Mode or Multiplayer (Custom) Mode.

  • Single (Solo) Mode - this mode will let you play by yourself. No other player will be in the room.

  • Multiplayer (VS) Mode - choose this mode to play with other players that are signed in, online and ready to play with others.

  • Multiplayer (Custom) Mode - choose this mode to play with friends and family. Once you choose the game options, simply share the code with friends and family who you wish to compete against.

Single (Solo) Mode
Choose this option to play solo (similar to other Wordle games). You will be taken to more options; choose how many letters you want in the Wizordle game: 4 Letters, 5 Letters or 6 Letters. Then choose the difficulty of the Wizordle [word]: Normal or Advanced. Press PLAY.

Multiplayer (VS) Mode
Click on this option to play with two or more (up to 5) players who are in signed in and ready to play. Once you choose this option, you will be taken to more playing options; choose Letter Count (4, 5 or 6 Letter word), then the Difficulty Level (Normal / Advanced), then choose how long (minutes) you would like to play. Press PLAY. Next you will wait for others who are online to play. Once you have enough players (2 - 5), you can begin by pressing the 'Start' button.

One thing to remember with this Multiplayer (VS) Mode, is whatever game options you choose (Letter Count, Difficulty Level and Timer) ... the system will only search for other players who chose the SAME game options as you did. If there are not enough players online that match your game options, then you might be waiting for a few minutes or longer until there are enough players (logged in) that match your game options. You may choose to 'Leave' the game if you do not want to wait any longer. It is recommened to play this (VS) Mode during prime playing time.

We hope that eventually Wizordle will be very popular and there will always be an adequate number of players online to meet all game options for everyone! : )

Multiplayer (Custom) Mode
Choose this mode to play against friends, family or other people who you know. The next screen will be the 'Host' or 'Join' mode options. If you are wanting to play and wish to invite others to play, then YOU are the 'Host'. If you received an invite (text, email, PM, etc.) from another person who invited you to play Wizordle with them, then you would choose the 'Join' button.

  1. If you are the 'Host' then press/touch the Host button and from there you will be taken to the next screen to choose the game options; Letter Count, Difficulty mode and Timer (same as above for VS Mode). Press PLAY. Now, you will be given a 5 character CODE (ie VJE5A). Press the 'Share' button to share this code with whomever you wish to play against. You can share this CODE via messenger, text, email, etc.. Now you wait till they enter the room to begin. NOTE: if you are waiting too long for a player to show up, you have the option to simply 'Start' the game without them. You can being the Wizordle game with a minimum of two players (you and another player). You do not necessarily have to wait for all players to enter the room, even if you chose a 5 Player game. You are the Host ... you are in control.

  2. If you are the one who received the Code ... then choose Join and enter the CODE that was shared with you. Press JOIN to enter the room. Your game (options) will be whatever the Host chose for that game. The players joining the Game (room) will not be able to edit any game options.

  3. For Either of the Multiplayer Games: When you solve the Wizordle, you can leave the room or wait for the others to finish. If you leave, you will not receive any points. It is recommened to stay and wait. Once all players guess the Wizordle word (except the last player) that Round is over and all game stats, ranking and points will be revealed to all players in Game room. Players can go again for another Round.

Game Options

  • Letter Count - Simply choose how many letters you want in the Wizordle word (4-Letter word, 5-Letter word or 6-Letter word).

  • Difficulty - Choose either Normal or Advanced. The Solution words in the Normal mode will be what you will find in most Wordle games. The Advanced mode will be more challenging. This Advanced word list will consist of words that are in the Normal word list but will include Advanced words too such as: Abjure, bereft, dearth, elegy, inure, morass, pithy, stolid, toady and tirade.

  • Timer - Choose the time 'in minutes' that you would like to play when in Multiplayer Mode. The Wizordle Timer will allow for 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes of play time. Once the timer runs out, the Round is over. Players who solved their own board will be awarded points. Players who have not solved their board will lose.

Game Play

FOR SINGLE (SOLO) GAMES: Once you are finished choosing your game options and ready to begin, press PLAY then submit your Starter Word. Time will start immediatly after clicking the 'Play' button so submit your Starter Word quickly. Game is on - you are on the clock! Submit your words accordly to game play and whatever strategy you have. If you choose a word that is not in the dictionary, a popup window will let you know - delete the appropriate letters and try again. If you submit a word that is not complete (missing a letter), a popup window will let you know. Try again. Once you solve the Wizordle, it will display VICTORY and show your Stats; Postion (1 - 6) when solved, the Time it took to solve and Points for that game.

If you fail to solve the Wizordle word in 6 tries, then you have lost the game and a DEFEAT banner will display.

FOR MULTIPLAYER GAMES: When all players are present (or when some do not show up and Host starts the game at his/her discretion) ... the Host will begin the Game by pressing the 'Start' button. At the time the Host will type in the first guess (Starter Word) to kick off the first 'Round' of the Game. Once submitted, all players in the room will see that same word and results on their own Wizordle game board. Wizordle has now started! All players will be using the same starter word, to help solve their own board, that the Host submitted. It is now time to solve Wizordle. Go for it!

Starter Word

  • At the Start of the First Round of the Game, the Host has 12 seconds to submit the Starter Word. If Host does not submit the Starter Word in time, Wizordle will choose the Starter Word. At the end of that Round, the next player will be given a chance to choose the Starter Word.

  • Players will take turns choosing a Starter Word for every new Round providing Players do not leave game. If a Player leaves game then the next player in the 'Round Robin' sequence will choose the Starter Word for that Round.

  • It is strongly suggested to stay in the game and wait unitl that Round is finished to choose the Starter Word. You just might get lucky and guess the Wizordle on the first try resulting in 20 points coming your way.

Submit your words accordly to game play and whatever strategy you have. You are at the mercy of the clock and others. Players are able to see the other players status just above their own board. You'll see a mini game board with the player's username above it (see below). This will also let each player know how many players are in the room and their status. It will be greyed out at the beginning of each game. Whenever another player solves their board, their mini board will light up Violet (from your point of view). This way each player in the game room knows who solved their own board and how many players are left to solve. If there are 5 players and you are working on your board and you see that 3 other players solved their board (3 of them will be Violet) that means it is just you and another player left to solve. Better hurry to solve your board before the other player does!

EXAMPLE: Below is a screenshot of Wizordle in play with 3 Players. From your point-of-view, you will see two mini game boards above your own Wizordle game board. The Player 'WizordleLVR' is still playing (greyed out) but the Player on the right 'JOEL7878' guesses the word correctly; solved their game which is why it is now Violet (circled in Red). 'Joel7878' is now waiting for you and 'WizordleLVR' to battle it out!

If you solve your game (whether you were first to sovle or not) and there are others still playing ... a popup window will display ..."Waiting for other players to finish. You can wait or leave without reward." If you want the Points, do not 'Leave' the game.

Regardless of many players are in the room, if there are just two remaining players, it will be down to those two players. The first player of those two remaining players to solve their board will win (for solving game) and the game will end with one player losing - all others will be awarded points and be shown their Stats accordingly. For example; if there are 3 players in the game and one solves first then it is now up to the other two players to battle it out. If there are 5 Players and three players solve their boards, then it is up to the remaining two players to battle it out.

  • If the time runs out, any players who haven't yet solved their board will lose - the game is over and players who did solve their board will receive points. Players can then choose to play again.

  • If a player happens to leave the room during play for whatever reason, their mini game board will be greyed out and you see 'Left' on their board.

  • Any player who uses up all 6 guesses before they solve their board will lose and their mini game board will turn RED.


Scoring Points


For Solo games, points will be awarded by the position which you have solved the Wizordle word. Your goal is to guess in fewest tries possible for more points. Single Player Points will be awarded as follows:

Number of tries till solved  
Guessed on first try (Starter Word): 10 Points
Guessed on second try: 5 Points
Guessed on third try: 4 Points
Guessed on fourth try: 3 Points
Guessed on fifth try: 2 Points
Guessed on sixth try: 1 Point



For MultiPlayer games (VS and Custom), points will awarded by, not only the position in which a player solves the Wizordle word (as in a Solo game), but also by rank of which players solve first, second, third, fourth, etc.. For the highest points in any Multiplayer game, each player to seeking to solve the Wizordle word the quickest (before others do) and in fewer tries.

Number of tries till solved    
Guessed on first try (Starter Word): 20 Points Only to Player who got to choose the 'Starter Word'. All other Players receive 5 Points.
Guessed on second try: 5 Points  
Guessed on third try: 4 Points  
Guessed on fourth try: 3 Points  
Guessed on fifth try: 2 Points  
Guessed on sixth try: 1 Point  
  • This Point System stays the same regardless what rank that a player solves the Wizordle word in relation to the other players (ie 1st to solve, 2nd to solve, 3rd, etc.) in any Multiplayer game. The Points above will be same no matter if you are first to solve or second-to-last to solve.

Points Ranking System for Each Multiplayer Game
This will be the Multiplayer Scoring when Players SOLVE THEIR WIZORDLE Board in relation to the other Players. A player will receive the highest point value for any Multiplayer game when they are FIRST to solve; then the next Player who solves their board will receive the next lower value of Points; then the next Player receives the next lower value of Points, as so on.

  • For 2 Player Game -
    1) First player to solve their board receives: 2 points
    - Game is over

  • For 3 Player Game -
    1) First player (of 3) to solve their board receives: 3 points
    2) Next player (of 2) to solve their board receives: 2 points
    - Game is over

  • For 4 Player Game -
    1) First player (of 4) to solve their board: 4 points
    2) Next player (of 3) to solve their board: 3 points
    3) Next player (of 2) to solve their board: 2 points
    - Game is over

  • For 5 Player Game -
    1) First player (of 5) to solve their board: 5 points
    2) Next player (of 4) to solve their board: 4 points
    3) Next player (of 3) to solve their board: 3 points
    4) Next player (of 2) to solve their board: 2 points
    - Game is over

When a Multiplayer (MP) Game is over, each player (except the loser) will receive Points which will be a combination of the two MP Scoring Systems above: Points awarded for Position when solved and Points awarded for Rank when solved in relation to other players.

SCORING EXAMPLE: You are playing with four other players (5 Player Game). You are FIRST to solve the Wizordle (others are still guessing) AND you solved the Wizordle in the THIRD Position (3rd try). According the Scoring charts above; you will earn 5 Points for solving first and another 4 Points for solving on the third guess for a total of 9 Points. You wait for others to finish. The next player who solves the Wizordle word is your friend, Mike and he guesses it in the SECOND Position. Mike earns 4 Points for the 'Next player to solve' and also gets 5 Points for solving it on the second guess for a total of 9 Points. You and Mike wait patiently for the others to finish. Okay ... the next player who solves the Wizordle word is your cousin, Shelly who guessed the Wizordle word on her fifth try. She will earn 3 Points because she was the 'Next player to solve' (of 3) and will also earn 2 Points because she solved her own board on the fifth guess for a total of 5 Points. Now, there is a battle between the 2 remaining players in this scenerio; John and Mary. Whoever solves the Wizordle next will earn the final points and the game will end. Mary solves first before John so she wins, earns her points and the game is over. Mary solved next so she will earn 2 Points plus she solved her Wizordle board on the sixth try which will earn her 1 Point for a total of 3 Points. John loses and earns no points for that game.


Account, Leaderboard, Stats and Scorecard

Profile & Nickname

When you signup for the first time, you will choose a Username (Nickname) to use for Wizordle game play. Choose a minimum of 5 characters and maximum of 12 characters for Username. You may edit this name at anytime by clicking on the Profile symbol on the Wizordle Game Dashboard.


Friends List

Users can "friend" other players and save their friends and family in the 'Friends' list. These Friends can then be invited to play Multiplayer games that you Host. Click on the Friends List symbol to add.


Users can visit the Leaderboard to see the Daily, Weekly and Monthly highest scores for top Players. The Daily, Weekly and Monthly scores will be available for the 4-Letter, 5-Letter and 6-Letter Word Games. Leaderboard will also display Top 5 (1st Postition, 2nd Position, 3rd Position and First To Solve). The Top 20 will be the Quickest Time. To see the Leaderboard Scores, click on the Leaderboard symbol on the Dashboard.


Wizordle will keep track of your personal Statistics so you can measure your performance over time ... hopefully improving your game! Wizordle will keep and track these important data statistics:

  • Number of Games Played

  • Win %

  • Current Streak

  • Maximum Streak

  • and Guess Distribution (bar graph)

To see your personal Stats, click on the Stats symbol.


Click on the Settings symbol to toggle on/off either the Game Sound Effects or the Game Music.


Click the Home symbol to return to the Home screen to begin another game. Home button is displayed only in the game play mode (Solo or MP). A Player can click on the Home symbol to Leave a game that is still in play. If Player does Leave game, that Player will not receive any Points.


The Wizordle Scorecard will display your Stats (Position, Time, and Total Points) for the game that just finished.

In Solo Mode, if you solve the game, a VICTORY window will popup as shown below. In this example, for Stats: the numer 4 represents the Position (4th try) you guessed the word; the next is the time in minutes and seconds to guess the word (0 min 33 seconds); and below that is the Total Points (+3). If you do not guess the word before the sixth try, you lose and you will see a popup DEFEAT window (second screenshot below). No Stats are shown. The Wizordle Word will be revealed, so you will know what the word was you failed to guess.

In Multiplayer Mode, if you solve your game (according to Game Play) a popup window will display (see first screenshot below) letting you know that others are still playing and to wait to receive points. Once MP Game is finished (Players solved or failed to solve and/or time expired) you will then see your results (second screenshot). Wizordle wil display a big "YOU WIN!!" and final game stats. You stats are shown at bottom of scorecard. In this example, the 'blue' number 1 means you were the first to solve (First Place). The number 6 are your points. The number 4 represents your position (4th try) when you guessed the word and lastly ... you guessed the word in 5 minutes and 14 seconds. Above your stats are the stats of the other players. In this example, one player won; guessed after you, recieved 5 points, guessed on the fourth try and did it in 6 minutes / 49 seconds. The third player (Guest4525) Lost.

Another example of your Stats in the Scorecard is shown below (last screenshot). Here you did Win, but came in Second Place (blue 2) with 5 total points, guessed on the fourth try (4th position) and did in 2 minutes / 11 seconds. The Player 'WizordleLVR' Lost and the last Player 'JOEL7878' Won; solved FIRST, earned 7 points, guessed on the 3rd try and did it in 1 minute / 24 seconds.

In Multiplayer Mode, If you do NOT solve your game board (failed to guess before the sixth try), the same popup window will display letting you know that others are still playing and to wait until game is finished to tally up points (first screenshot below). Once MP Game is finished, you will then see your results of that game (third screenshot). In this instance, you Lost. You will see the Scorecard window and it will display "YOU LOST!!!" and also the Wizordle word you failed to guess. You have 0 points here. In this particular game, all three players Lost. There were no points given.


If you have any questions about how to play Wizordle, the Point system or anything in general, please contact us at wizsupport@Wizordle.com

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